Find out all you need to know about play corners, IKC's latest news and tips on how to add play value to your organisation. Discover it here!

Physical store needs to adjust revenue model
According to ABN AMRO’s Retail Sector Forecast for 2020/2021, retailers will have to reinvent themselves in the upcoming years. They will have to increase…

Childs’ play is universal
Our colleagues at IKC Shanghai may literally be 8875km away from us, but our goal and our approach is exactly the same. Childs’ play is universal and brings…

By 2025 half of the store space will focus on experience
It is expected that by 2025, half of the retail space in stores will be dedicated to experience. This is concluded in the How To Shop survey by Unibail-…

A change in corporate identity, but still the same familiar quality
The new year has begun and we are taking the time to look back on IKC’s journey in 2019. A year in which we have supported many companies in adding…

A tailor made kids’ play area
Custom made play concepts ensure that your kids’ corner is fully in line with your organization. IKC can…

Visit us at the Intersport Ordermesse this week
This week IKC is at the Intersport Ordermesse in Heilbronn Germany. Intersport Retailers come here to find new collections and inspiration for their stores…

HEMA connects on a playful level with their youngest visitors

Playing and learning in the kids' corner at Kennemerduinen

Sneak peek: New furniture collection
The first samples of our new kids furniture collection "BUXUS", passed the quality check in our production facility in Jiaxing, China.…