Instore Kids Corners becomes International Kids Concepts
For the past 20 years, the abbreviation IKC stood for Instore Kids Corners. However, in addition to play corners in shops, the IKC play concepts can also be found in many other places. That is why we felt that it was time for a new name and style. Still the same quality and service that you have come to expect from us, but with a new, fresh look.
IKC offers more than just 'instore kids corners'
The IKC play concepts are placed worldwide in shops, showrooms, hospitals, town halls, pharmacies, dentistry and many more places. Our new name gives customers a much better picture of our organisation. Discover the new IKC and take a look in our products, download a free brochure that suits your branch or get inspired by our portfolio.
Are you looking for a modern play solution for your organisation?
We are happy to help.