
Find out all you need to know about play corners, IKC's latest news and tips on how to add play value to your organisation. Discover it here!


IKC News |

The official opening of our new IKC Asia office

On October 28, 2019, we officially celebrated the opening of our new headquarters in Shanhai in building 1933 in the famous XinXin creativity park. Check out…
IKC News |

IKC is taking the next step in Asia!

IKC Asia has moved to the trendy “1933 XinXin creativity park” in Shanghai. This inspiring office area is the place to be for Interior design companies and…
IKC News |

Available now! Glitter EPDM for your play corner!

IKC recently added the possibility for glitter play floors to their EPDM assortment. The…

This image shows a wall game Clock around
Branch tips |

Increase your turnover by focusing on ROX

While consumers increasingly value the 'experience' that retailers offer, retailers themselves continue to invest mainly in traditional, measurable matters…

IKC News |

Transforming Dekamarkt stores into an experience for every customer

Through the cooperation of International Kids Concepts and Dekamarkt, one of their newest World of Food stores (Apeldoorn, the Netherlands) is transformed…

IKC News |

Turn shopping into a precious moment together

A shopping trip with children has never been so relaxing and enjoyable since child-friendliness is getting more important for shops and boutiques.

IKC News |

5 styling tips for a kids corner

Are you looking for a play corner that perfectly fits the style of your organisation? Or a kids corner which takes everyone on a journey to a world of…

design department playing systems
IKC News |

The design table, where it all begins

Our creative product designers are constantly innovating our products, sketching new play landscapes, creating new unique products and translating your…

IKC News |

Challenge children to explore

Our Interactive Software, created by IKC's own professional and creative software developers, offers…